Adobe Youth Voices
As an Educational Consultant for Adobe youth Voices (AYV), Marisa has:
* Written curriculum and designed tutorials to be used by teachers internationally.
* Mentored teachers and students in up to thirty local low-income schools per year for eight years. Overseeing the local program, including outreach and evaluation.
* Contributed to the development of the AYV professional development model.
* Participated in planning and implementing three international summits bringing educators and youth together from around the world together to make media.
* Collaborated in envisioning the AYV community website, an online community for educators and youth.
* Led multiple international video collaborations.
* Planned and implemented multiple end of year events, Rough Cut Reviews and Green Light Project events.
* Planned and conducted teacher trainings locally and for teachers around the world.
* Facilitated online courses for AYV partner Global Fund for Children using Moodle, Skype and Adobe Connect.
* Acted as a liaison between teachers and local Adobe employees.
* Created large scale graphics to be displayed at an international summit.
For more on this program of the Adobe Foundation go to

The Question is (A Collaboration)
This is an international video collaboration Marisa led for Adobe Youth Voices